Thursday, June 17, 2010


Last Night

What was I thinking,
when we all sat inside,
not a care in the world,
as you pulled into drive.

With the sun almost rose,
and every word spoken tied,
we spun from that place,
leaving not a beer bottle dry.

Not thinking of consequences,
too much careless fun,
being none of the wiser,
trouble was here to bring some.

A turn to sharp,
and as we fly,
last night of fun,
for You and I.

~Emily Harris.

This poem is about a couple of young people and their last night. They are all having a good time and drinking beer,"leaving not a beer bottle dry". Then they decide to drive drunk, not thinking about the consequences of their careless fun. "A turn to sharp" and they get in an accident. The audience knows this because of the line "A turn to sharp, and as we fly, last night of fun, for you and I". The sad thing about this is that it is so common. People are fully aware of the consequences of drunk driving; getting in an accident and killing or hurting yourself or another innocent human being. You can even lose your licence if a cop pulls you over, but people continue do to it. But why?

Maybe it is just ignorance or laziness, but what ever the reason it needs to stop. The police try their best to spot drunk drivers on the road but they can't always catch them. There is even organizations against drunk driving like, MADD; Mothers Against Drunk Driving. This still doesn't stop them, every year the number of people who drive drunk continues to increase even with the amount of police organizing Ride on holidays, people continue. In 2007, it was estimated that 3,045 individuals were killed in motor vehicle crashes in Canada and a minimum of 1,239 were related to impaired driving.

There doesn't seem to be a way to get a hold on these individuals, they need to start thinking of the consequences of their actions and maybe more stern punishment should be taken when they are caught, although Canada does have the strictest for BAC in the western world.They have just recently moved the legal blood alcohol content from 0.08% to 0.05% which is a good start. To many innocent people are being killed to allow this to continue on. If individuals want to have the opportunity to legally drink and legally operate a motor vehicle they need to do both legally.


  1. This is a common theme in a poetry these days; that life is fragile and we should do all we can to protect it. Some of the best advertising I've ever seen is done as Public Service Announcements for MADD or something witht he same message.

    I like this one, as it has no words:

  2. That is really good. Theres no words but it gets the message across. People do make excuses when they drink and drive, but its not going to save them from getting in an accident or killing themselves or someone else.
