I truly do not understand the point in banning books. The material may not be appropriate at certain times or places but that's no reason to go and put a label on the piece of literature. I don't believe that any novel should be banned, if you don't like the context then you don't have to read it, but it'll still be around, and so will the issues in the real world.
Banning books is wrong, deciding when a book is age appropriate to be reading, talking about, or studied is completely understandable. It is just like movies, if there is certain material in a movies you have to be a certain age to watch it. There is G rated movies that anyone can watch because the content is not offensive in any way, shape, or form. There is books like that, example Robert Munsch books. There is PG, PG13, 14A and R rated movies and there is books that could fall in to the same categories. I think that I should have the freedom in our free country, to read any piece of literature that I please. When studying novels in classrooms it is a little bit of a different story. If we were to put a rating system on novels, like we do movies it would be a lot easier to understand what is acceptable.
Even if that were to still cause problems, a list of book choices should go out at the beginning of the school year to see what novels parent think there children should be studying. It would help to get parents involved in the education of there children. Since the
majority of students in elementary or high school are under the age of 18, if a novel was "rated R" the parents would sing off on the novel being studied. Some material in novels is had to understand fully at a certain age. Reaeding a novel like Catcher in the Rye in a grade 9 class would be hard for the students to understand. However reading it in a grade 12 classroom is completely appropriate for the age. The students can understand the information and rarely have it influence there life choices Banning novels is bad, making them age appropriate is completely appropriate.
majority of students in elementary or high school are under the age of 18, if a novel was "rated R" the parents would sing off on the novel being studied. Some material in novels is had to understand fully at a certain age. Reaeding a novel like Catcher in the Rye in a grade 9 class would be hard for the students to understand. However reading it in a grade 12 classroom is completely appropriate for the age. The students can understand the information and rarely have it influence there life choices Banning novels is bad, making them age appropriate is completely appropriate.
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